We have some very exciting Pedal Studio news. We have had our first Pedal Studio Baby ! Congratulations to Gill and her husband. Those of you spinning regularly must have noticed Gill and she kindly wrote a lovely article about being pregnant and spinning in our last news letter. I had to chuckle she was even watching her HR during the delivery – good girl - and had a fantastic delivery...this is from Gill.
Hi Andrew,
I am pleased to announce the arrival of the first Pedal Studio baby! James Edmondson arrived on Tuesday morning at 11.25am, weighing 7lbs 3oz after 30 hours labour!! I think I did 4 Spinning classes last week with my last one on Sunday. So less than 24 hours after my last Spin class, I started contractions and 48 hours later I was a proud (and tired) Mum. Baby is perfect in every way and I'm recovering pretty rapidly which I am sure is down to my staying fit.
Thanks to all at the pedal studio for keeping me sane and fit (by the way, my HR never went higher than 68 throughout ardous labour process much to the amazement of the midwives!!).
I look forward to getting back on my bike and into the Studio though I think it will be a good few weeks still before I can tolerate a bike saddle!!!
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7 years ago
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