Saturday 26 February 2011

Ofsted registered childminder in Wimbledon/Southfields


A friend of mine, Roslyn, has this fantastic service she is offering - she is brilliant with children and looks after my daughter. Shout if you want to know more or mail her.


My name is Roslyn and I am a Ofsted registered childminder in Wimbledon/Southfields. I work with my husband Riaan, who is also Ofsted registered. We work from a lovely home with fantastic facilities for the kids. As parents, we know how important it is to find a good carer who can provide a clean, safe and happy environment for your child to blossom in.

We have two boys of our own (1 & 3) and have plenty of hands on experience raising children in a stimulating yet fun environment.

We offer a premium service for the kids who will learn and develop each day through exciting play, art, reading, cooking, singing, dancing & outdoor activities.

We are non-smokers and do not have any pets.

We provide home cooked meals and can prepare gluten, wheat, lactose & egg free meals.

We currently have availability for a baby 6-12 months and a child 1-3 years

Please visit my website for more information

Feel free to contact me should you wish to visit us.

Kind Regards

Weight Loss with Spinning @Pedal Studio

I am guessing you are wanting to shed some weight and am thinking 20kgs would be awesome hey?

Right, first up is to understand that the key thing is the respiratory system for now. You won't see weight drop off but you will feel the improvements and your heart will definitely experience it to. It is thus key to be linked up to a HR monitor so you can see these benefits. When we see something, when something is specific, measurable, accurate, reliable and relevant to our health, that is when we can set goals BUT achievable goals! i.e. a goal to shed 20kgs is not really a great one although very doable, it is just too much to kick off with.

So yes - Use heart rate. It is very accurate but what is subjective is the max heart rate you are going to work off. All things being equal, this can change just with moods and stress we put on our body. You get flu and the max heart rate you can get to can change daily. It is key to understand the limits of Heart Rate training upfront. It is never 100% reliable and your max will change daily. That said, there are ways to calculate the max and the most common is 220 beats less your age = your max (Women is 226 less age). There also other formulas and you may see folk talk about EPOC and VO2 Max test. These test give you a very good understanding of the heart rate your body will move from aerobic (using oxygen) to anaerobic (no oxygen - thus very difficult to sustain) training thresholds. As the body moves between these two zones, it will use different ‘fuels’ to keep the body going. It is these thresholds you hear folks talking about when they say, Endurance or Interval (Interval is anaerobic and very tough). You want to progress through these but never focus on just one, there is room for all in your training so follow a periodised training approach that accommodates all zones! Starting off you would stay in the low intensity zones.

Remember Max HR can change and as you get fitter it will! As you get fitter, your heart gets fitter with you and so this calculation may need adjusting to ensure you are training in the correct heart rate zone to get the most effective workout for your desired fitness goal. So keep updating as you get fitter and do more. And do remember whilst we are focusing on beats per minute there is actually a lot more behind all that and Heart Rate training using beats per minute is just the start of the science. i.e. someone’s 100 bpm may push a large amounts of blood around and 100bpm 4 months later after good training and a stronger heart will push more volume around. More blood = more oxygen to perform at and thus better results --- this is just the start and there is tons to read if you want to learn more. The conclusions you will get is Heart Rate training is not all it is cracked up to be BUT I say it beats nothing and if it is getting you into the studio and keeping you there- then use it !

Because you are unfit, the answer is to stay with what you are doing 3 times a week (that is perfect - too much will chase you away after a month and too little will not deliver). With the Heart Rate monitor you should see you will battle to get to the max heart rate you used to get to after about 3 weeks. Also, now when you train, you find it easier to breath and you can actually talk to the person next to you! What is key is to sit in the RECOVERY 50% - 65% and ENDURANCE 65% - 75% heart rate zones for this initial period of training as you get into it.

The reason for this is explained like this. Low intensity exercise burns fat. Basically if you over train - besides killing your body .. the body panics and uses the rich sources of fuel on the muscles - this is not the stored energy ' fat ' in the bums and tums -- but if you do low intensity , the body goes- 'okay exercise time, but this is not too bad ... so lets take time to convert the stored energy ' i.e. fat.

But after a while your body will get used to that (say 4-6 weeks) so interval training will be the progression. You then move to the STRENGTH 75% - 85% and INTERVAL 65% - 92% zones. Here you work hard and ramp up the HR then recover -- the body will hate it at first .. but results will be amazing and you will note a fantastic improvement in the respiratory system - so keep measuring it as this will be your reward and visible evidence it is working.

Note the measure of your fitness will be how well you can control your heart rate as you change your ride - i.e. add resistance, stand up, sit down, speed up leg cadence. If you can control your heart rate (it also takes breathing {respiratory control} to get this right) then you are really getting there !!!! You want to ramp your Heart Rate up to 92% then recover in 30 sec then repeat. In a few months the recovery must be 20 sec. You will really be improving then.

Now of course you want to see weight loss so you need to CROSS TRAIN to. Build this in over time. If getting to Spinning 3 x a week is what you can get to and you can keep it up, stick with it. It is all about building a lifestyle and hopefully in time you start riding outdoors and lifestyle converts back to sport you enjoy.

Cross training helps as the body will eventually get used to Spinning and results will ease out but you will get results on 3x a week for sure. I suggest you try to get to an all over weights session once a week, nothing amazing, but a little muscle helps as it eats fat whilst you sitting around doing zip and if you control calorie intake - as boring as it is - this helps to - more out than in (men burn about 2000 a day doing nothing - so add a spin class - about 500 cal burn means you can eat well at 2000 cal and score! Plus as you build more muscle, that metabolic rate of 2000 cal a day goes up !!!

So in short.

• Keep the routine
• Stick to HR training as it will reward you with visible measurable results
• Ease into INTERVALS - this will deliver the results but do not always hit it hard !
• Cross train and build a lifestyle.

I have added some details from Spinning on this below.

What signifies a healthy heart?
A healthy heart should beat with a fairly regular rhythm and change tempo only during periods of exertion. Stroke Volume, which is the amount of blood that is pumped out of the heart during each beat, should also be high. High Stroke Volume indicates cardiovascular fitness and a lower resting heart rate because if your heart is able to expel larger amounts of blood per beat, it does not have to beat as frequently or work as hard to circulate blood throughout your body.

Heart rate training 101
So how does the Spinning® program help you build a healthy heart? Through heart rate training that works to bring your heart to its Target Heart Rate (THR). This rate varies depending on the Energy Zone™ being used or the training goal behind a particular class. Each Energy Zone offers specific benefits and is built around a THR that is a percentage of an individual’s Maximum Heart Rate (MHR).

Maximum Heart Rate is the highest amount of beats your heart can sustain per minute. The most common formula for estimating MHR is 220 minus age (for males) or 226 minus age (for females). This formula implies that MHR decreases with age, which is not always true, so a margin of error of plus or minus 12-24 beats should be applied to this calculation. This means that in reality, a 20-year-old male could have an MHR between 176 and 224, so using this calculation to determine THR is not foolproof.

The Karvonen Method, a more accurate and individualized formula for calculating THR, was developed by a Finnish Doctor in 1957. This formula incorporates Resting Heart Rate (RHR) and MHR to provide an more accurate estimate of THR.

RHR measures your heart rate at rest (not engaging in physical activity) or sleep. This number is a sound indicator of the amount of physical or mental stress your body is under. As you become more fit, this number will decrease because your heart and lungs have become stronger and more efficient. Calculate your RHR by taking your heart rate first thing in the morning while you’re lying in bed (before your alarm goes off) for 5 consecutive days. The average will be your RHR.

Once you know your MHR and RHR you can use the Karvonen Method to calculate your THR.

Example: Let’s say the same 20-year-old male wants to find his THR for his aerobic maximum or 80% of his MHR.

(MHR – RHR) x 80% + RHR = THR

(200-60) x 80% + 60 = 172

If the same individual were only to use the age-predicted formula without taking his Resting Heart Rate into consideration, his THR would be off by 12 beats per minute.

Age predicted MHR = 220-20 = 200

200 x 80% = 160

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Guidelines state that exercising at 70% to 85% of your Age-Predicted MHR or 60% to 80% of MHR when calculated with the Karvonen Formula for 20-30 minutes, excluding time spent warming up and cooling down, enables most individuals to achieve health, fitness, and weight management goals. The Spinning standard format of a 40-minute ride, which includes both the warm-up and cool down components, fits nicely into the parameters set by the ACSM.

The Spinning Energy Zones
Once you’ve determined your Target Heart Rate, you can employ more effective training sessions using the Spinning Energy Zones. Together, the Zones promote complete cardiovascular fitness.

Recovery Zone™ (50% to 65% MHR). The main objective is to make the body feel like it has been gently massaged and is vibrating with gathered energy. Only light resistance is used and there are no jumps or hills during this ride.

Endurance Energy Zone™ (65% to 75% MHR). This zone trains the body to be more efficient at metabolizing fat and to maintain a comfortable pace for an extended period of time. Stay in the saddle and establish a smooth steady rhythm for the entire ride.

Strength Energy Zone™ (75% to 85%). Implement steady, consistent pedalling with heavy resistance. This type of ride can be done in a seated or standing climb position. The goal of this zone is to build the Cardiovascular strength needed to handle a slightly uncomfortable pace.

Interval Energy Zone™ (65% to 92%). Emphasizes speed, tempo, timing and rhythm. The goal of this Energy Zone is to shorten your recovery time. Movements include flats, hills and sprints.

Race Day Energy Zone™ (80% to 92%). This zone gives riders the opportunity to measure their progress and should be treated as a real race. A Race Day ride is carried out at a steady heart rate, so there are no jumps, standing flats or significant fluctuations in pace during this type of ride.

Heart rate training is an unbeatable way to strengthen your heart and yields serious dividends. Cardiovascular health reduces the risk of heart disease and improves blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels—which not only improve every Spinning ride but also the quality of your life overall.

Clarification on Interval Types at Pedal Studio

Master Instructor Mark Tickner takes time out to give clarification as to what each session means and the Interval Types at Pedal Studio.

In the Spinning Programme there are 5 Energy Zones to give variety and structure to the general public trying to keep/get fitter and healthy.

• Endurance
• Recovery
• Strength
• Interval (an-aerobic & aerobic mixed)
• Race day

The one energy zone we hardly use is the recovery zone as not many would turn up to ride an easy class. And in reality there would not be many instructors (even with great experience) that could teach a 'proper' recovery session. Besides it's really only athlete's that 'need' recovery sessions... everyone else needs more endurance.

With regards to intervals there are 3 important sessions we can do and each are completely different in their goals and intensities.

These are:

Aerobic intervals: The key here is to work your fat burning metabolisms by staying under your LTHR so that we use oxygen better to be able to burn fat. As a heart rate this is basically anything under 5 beats or more under your LTHR... or as a very rough guide under 80% mhr... or staying in the green and half of the yellow zone with the heart rate system in the studio. The recovery should be short as the intensity is not too hard and we should measure how fast our recovery drops to say 10-15beats below our working aerobic heart rate and then not let it drop lower than this. In doing so we then keep building our aerobic function by staying in the endurance zone through the recovery and lifting our aerobic fitness and over time burn more fat calories at the same heart rates.
Time wise aerobic intervals can be anywhere between 5-20 min in length with 1-5min recoveries. Basically a 2-1 work to rest ration is advisable for the general public.

Lactate Threshold intervals: These are done at 5 beats below your LTHR... at your LTHR... and 5 beats over your LTHR. So you have a 10 beat range in which to work with. The key is to shift your aerobic function and fitness up and raise your LTHR intensity / speed / pace / power / confidence at this crucial transition point. Above your LTHR you start to go into anaerobic metabolism and this is where our fat burning mechanisms and aerobic function stop.

Recovery wise you want approx 1-1 or 2-1 work to rest ratio so that you allow the recovery to take place but not too much to allow a full deep recovery as the goal is to trigger our response to try to lift our aerobic function and fitness here by adapting to the intensity / pace / speed / power better over time.
Time wise LTHR intervals are approx. 3-8min long with 1-3min recoveries for general public.

Anaerobic intervals: These are the very hard short intervals we do. There value is low for most people but the tendency to do them is very high as most think that’s what we need to go faster or improve our fitness. I can guarantee most people that train regularly train way too hard and is the sole reason why they don’t lose weight and actually can gain fat as a result.
When we do Intervals the interval length should be closer to 30sec - 3mins with a long full and deep recovery at back into the blue zone for a proper recovery to take place. This should take approx 2-5min to recover properly.

How does Pedal Studio link up to these Zones as we seem to have so many names for classes ! In truth, there is not much difference at all, it is us trying to make the 5 spinning core training zones more exciting!

If you look at our classes the 5 Spinning principals are there.

Interval (an-aerobic & aerobic mixed)
Race day

The key overriding factor is periodise your training (i.e. plan it for your goal) and no matter the class ride your ride!

We have tried to bundle up the creative names into the 5 core spinning classes that also link to the heart rate zones.

Thursday 28 October 2010

ABSA Cape Epic London 2011 Route Launch & ( Wales ) Training weekends

The 2011 route launch will take place in Putney

Venue: Telegraph ( ) Telegraph Road Putney Heath SW15 3TU

Date: Thursday 23rd November 2010

Time: 7:15 pm

Guest Speaker: Sally Bingham (Top UK Ladies finisher in the ABSA Cape Epic 2010 ~ 3rd in the mixed) ,

Nico Pfitzenmaier and Sally Bigham rode in aid of the Big Tree Foundation during the 2010 Absa Cape Epic

Mark Tickner ( Master Instructor – and trainer of 2 Top 50 Epic Finishers in 2010 )

NOTE: Specific ABSA Cape Epic Endurance/Strength training will be hosted on weekends during winter at


Two weekends of Mountain Bike training will be held in Wales at Afan Forrest to prepare riders for the ABSA Cape Epic.

This will focus on the technical skills required to ride the ABSA Cape Epic. (The hard winter months endurance training will have been done whilst all these trails are under snow !)

The weekend will allow riders to meet fellow riders, swap stories and tips. There will be nutrition talks and a screening of the ABSA Cape Epic on the big screen at the Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike Centre.

When : Weekend 1 - Saturday 26th to Sunday 27th of February 2011

Weekend 2 - Saturday 5th to Sunday 6th of March 2011

(If there is heavy snow – we will move weekend 1 to run Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th March 2011)

Where: Afan Forrest Park – (Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike Centre which has full service centre and sales for parts – and worst case, you can rent a bike)

Accommodation: Afan Lodge and The Queens – numbers dependant ( right at the centre)

Master Coach : – Mark Tickner ( )

Price : – This is still to be confirmed. + - £75

Travel: - This is not included but the ‘convoy’ will leave from – (see map) at 7am each Saturday morning.

Both days will include the choice of a long ride 3/5hrs – ‘Whites’ and ‘Skyline’ or a technical ride ‘The Wall’ (riders will be given the chance to practice descents and work on techniques )

If you are registered for the ABSA Cape Epic, this is essential ride time with the friends you will be chilling with in the chill tent before dinners as you listen to Dan snap out some witty chirps. 1200 Riders all fighting to finish – now is the time to make friends for that ‘power link’ you will borrow on route to see you to the finish of the day !

Full details will be given out at the screening of the ABSA Cape Epic route launch.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Spinning and Pregnancy

Baby fat. On infants, it’s adorable. On post-partum moms, not so much. That’s why when I found out I was pregnant last year, I eschewed the idea of eating for two (read: letting myself go) and kicked my already healthy lifestyle up a few notches. Or down, if you judge my heart rate and the numbers on the weights I lifted.

Shortly after seeing the two pink lines on the home pregnancy test, I went online, not to check out the most popular baby names, but to research how to modify my workouts to my body’s new needs. Of course, I also consulted with my physician. I learned that for the most part, it was business as usual. I just had to watch my heart rate and halve the amount of weights I lifted while doubling the number of repetitions. In other words, if I curled 20-pound dumbbells 10 times for three sets before baby, I switched to doing 10-pound weights 20 times per set.

Pregnancy and fitness go together like pickles and ice cream. Think about it: As your baby and baby bump grow, the organs in your thoracic cavity get pushed around, the extra weight taxes your bones and muscles, and your heart works harder—30 percent to 50 percent as hard, to be exact—to move around the additional 40 percent to 50 percent of blood generated to nourish the fetus. That’s a lot of stress on the body and it translates into a need for even more care.

Note, however, that pregnancy is not the time to build muscles or increase cardio intensity. My aim was maintenance and toning. As my baby developed, I stuck to brisk walking instead of running and moderate-intensity Spinning classes four times a week in addition to weight training and prenatal yoga sessions.

I carried my daughter to term—she was born on her due date—and I continued to lead Spinning classes until a month before she arrived, when I fell on rain-slicked asphalt and injured my pelvic bone, rendering me unable to walk let alone teach Spinning classes. I credit staying active with keeping me free of most pregnancy-induced problems. Throughout the 40 weeks, my ankles didn’t swell, I had no extreme exhaustion, almost no nausea and zero back pain. In fact, I didn’t have a belly until I was about six months along.

According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) “Exercise During Pregnancy” pamphlet, working out for at least 30 minutes on most, if not all, days of the week can reduce backaches, constipation, bloating and swelling; ward off gestational diabetes; increase energy; improve posture; and foster better sleep. Oh, and one other little thing: It may improve the ability to cope with the pain of labor and delivery.

ACOG also notes that staying fit while pregnant will facilitate getting your pre-baby body back once the stork flies off. Of course, you should consult with your doctor before beginning any form of exercise to make sure you do not have any obstetric or other health condition of which you should be mindful.

But let’s focus on what to do while you await that bundle of joy—or more precisely, what not to do. According to the ACOG, moms-to-be should avoid:

* Bouncy or high-impact moves. Not only will they become increasingly difficult to execute, but they could cause big problems. During pregnancy, a hormone called relaxin is released to relax ligaments, making joints more prone to injury. Pregnancy also changes your center of gravity. Most women gain 25 to 40 pounds when they’re expecting, much of it in the belly, making you more likely to fall.

* Exercising to the point of breathlessness. In the past, ACOG recommended that pregnant exercisers not exceed a heart rate of 140 beats per minute. ( Pedal Studio offers you full usage for FREE of the Suunto Team Heart Rate system ~ Critical to use to be sure where your Heart Rate is during training)

* Lying flat on your back. After the first trimester, the increased weight of the uterus can compress the vein that returns blood from the legs to the heart when you’re lying down. File exercises like crunches or bench pressing in the after-baby folder.

The bottom line is don’t push too hard. Save that for the delivery room.

So what is safe? According to ACOG, a lot: walking, swimming, low-impact and water aerobics and, ta-da! cycling.

In fact, Spinning offers its own guidelines for pregnant participants:

* Modify intensity. Hover between mild and medium.

* Stay cool and hydrated. Wear comfortable, nonrestrictive clothing and drink plenty of water.

* Adjust the Spinner® to accommodate your growing belly and changing center of gravity. This might mean raising the handlebars or shifting the seat position.

* Stay in the saddle. Jumps and Standing Climbs are calorie-killers, but they’ll wait for when you’re ready for a post-baby burn. Remember, pregnancy is not a time to think about losing weight.

* Take postural breaks to relieve any discomfort in your lower back. Sit back, roll your shoulders and breathe deeply, sending that breath into any body part that feels strained.

Expectant moms who are new to exercising should start slowly and build up incrementally, ACOG advises. Walk for five minutes for a week and then go for 10 the next week, for example.

During any physical activity, watch for signs of problems, such as pain or an inability to catch your breath. If you experience bleeding, fluids leaking from the vagina, dizziness, chest pain, muscle weakness, calf pain or swelling, decreased fetal movement or uterine contractions, stop your workout immediately and call a doctor, ACOG says.

Pregnancy should mean a workout program adjustment, not adjournment. Besides, it’s never too soon to be a healthy role model for your child. Here’s to healthy, happy babies and moms.

Note - Pedal Studio offer Moms classes on a Thursday mid morning. These include child care for 2 hrs. ~ Please see our web site page ' Child Care'

Monday 13 September 2010

Pro-VO2 Club Info Night & Social - 7th OCT 2010

Just a quick heads up...

We will be holding a Pro-VO2 / Pedal Studio club night and social as we go into our 2nd year as a club. This will be on Thursday the 7th October in Putney - venue to be confirmed.

It will act as a welcome night for new members and also a chance for members (old and new) to meet each other and some of Pro-VO2's partners. We will be telling you about the year ahead, doing a reduced membership fee if you join on that night, having a raffle with some awesome prizes (inc membership, maxifuel product, f3 event entries and more!!!!) ... plus there will be a Q & A with some of Pro-VO2 top sponsored athletes!!! :-)

Iain "Dogma" Maxwell and Janette "Baps" Mosley will be getting some more information about the night this week!It will be a great night to swap war stories about what you've done this year, look competitevly at each other when talking about what you will do and have "a couple" of beers ;-)

Lots happening and planned for the next year, so make sure you get along...

See you all,

Monday 2 August 2010

Pedal Studio Nutritionist - Zuzana

A brand new nutritionist imported to Pedal Studio from Europe.

Whether you want to reduce your weight, eat well and have a balanced diet, reduce the risk of common health problems (diabetes, infarctum, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, arteriosclerosis) or you are already in the risk groups and want sound advice for promoting nutritional well-being, please feel free to make an appointment and come to see Zuzana in Pedal Studio to talk about what could be adjusted in your diet.

Shake off the marketing magic formulas and work out together how to improve your life style. She won't promise any miracles, as she has left her magical wand in the Cech Republic, but an adjusted diet, regular exercise, cooperation based on 100 % commitment from both sides and individual support can make a lot. Together you can find the most beneficial approach to healthy eating and make you feel healthier without the risk of side effects linked with diet pills.

After assessing your nutritional status describing the state of your health related to your diet, Zuzana can make a tailor-made dietary plan which will be very individual. There are several tools to rate your nutritional status, for example body analysing on the body composition scale, blood pressure measurements, medical history or blood test (if provided). Another important source for her will be a food record sheet and she will ask you to jot down everything you drink and eat within seven consecutive days. To make the notes at the time of eating and not later from memory really makes sense. Being honest with yourself is crucial to success and please do not eat less because you don’t like to write :-)

So, that´s the way to make really individual plan which will be effective (if followed). A plan designed for the needs of one particular person will not work if handed over to another person because it is not individual. We are all different and individuality is the key here. We should all strive to be nicely balanced, but human individuality brings the paradox: what is a balance for person A is not a balance for person B.

If you are in the risk group for the common cardiovascular diseases, it is always a good idea to ask your GP to have your blood tests checked (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood glucose, urine acid). It is for your own benefit and can be used to build a successful diet plan.

It takes Zuzana a maximum of ten days from the day you email her your food record sheet to make your dietary plan. A plan hand-over consultation is usually done in person. After you start following the plan, she will be happy to receive feed-back from you. You can always contact her by email or call for any advice or if any support is needed.

Any more questions? Please, feel free to call Zuzana on 07799 077 312 or email her .

One last thing, please have your kitchen scale ready to use as the food weight really matters here. If you need advise on scales, chat to Zuzana, she can promise she will train you to hone your food weight estimation skills to perfection in a very short space of time.

Zuzana is looking forward to working with you .......... because your success is hers and this is her passion.